This is Charlotte's story and I am here to share the EXTREME level of oversight and inattentiveness demonstrated by the doctors at Blue Pearl Veterinary Partners NYC. Because of oversights and neglectful actions, Charlotte's front left leg was AMPUTATED to cure her from a cancer that it turned out she never had.
I’m from Brooklyn, NY and so is my cat, Charlotte. We met about 10 years ago at a nearby veterinarian’s office, when I adopted her. Charlotte and I have been through so much together and she is honestly one of my best friends.
Monday, September 24nd, 2012. I had noticed Charlotte limping for a few days and decided to monitor it to see if it would subside on its own. She continued to limp intermittently and then began keeping weight off of one her paws. I took a closer look and felt a bump on her left front leg. I thought perhaps she had jumped off of something while playing and had hurt herself. I called my regular veterinarian and made an appointment.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012. Went to the vet to have Charlotte’s leg looked at and x-rayed. At the vet’s office, Dr. ____ observed Charlotte walking, but she wasn’t limping. Dr. ____ did a physical examination and was able to feel a bump.
She then did 2 different x-ray views of Charlotte's front left leg and was able to see a small mass in the images. Dr. ____ explained that the machine at her office was not the clearest lately and that to get a more definitive answer, I should have it looked at by a specialist. She gave me a referral to see Dr. Jennifer Huck at Blue Pearl Veterinary Specialists (NYC Veterinary Partners) to have an aspirate and cytology done. The next day, I made an appointment with Dr. Jennifer Huck at Blue Pearl.
Thursday, September 27th, 2012 My first visit to Blue Pearl Veterinary. I wish, now, that I could turn back time.
My mom and I took Charlotte to see Dr. Jennifer Huck at Blue Pearl to have the mass looked at, get an FNA (fine needle aspirate), and cytology done. First, Dr. Jennifer Huck did a physical examination, during which she felt a mass in Charlotte’s left front leg. Dr. Huck manipulated it to see if it could be moved around…she said that it was not fixed in place that it was movable. After this part of the exam, Dr. Huck and a vet tech took Charlotte upstairs to do the fine needle aspirate in order to have the cytology done. The cytology, as Dr. Huck told us, would give us a definite answer as to what the mass was. The aspirate was completed and I was told that I would have the results within the next couple of days. Later that afternoon, Dr. Huck called and left a message saying, in a cheerful tone, “by some miracle I did get back Charlotte’s cytology report this afternoon.” I immediately called Dr. Huck back.
The news she gave was the complete opposite of what her tone of voice had suggested in the message. I was obviously hoping to hear that Charlotte was fine, but instead, Dr. Huck told me that the mass WAS indeed malignant. She said she had consulted with a veterinary oncologist at Blue Pearl, Dr. Joshua Lachowicz, on the results of Charlotte's cytology report. She then explained the treatment options that the two doctors had discussed regarding Charlotte’s case: removal of the mass followed by chemotherapy OR amputation. Amputation? My entire body became numb and began to tremble the second Dr. Huck had said that word. She stressed that based on the findings she felt the BEST curative action would be amputation. I was shocked, shaking.....and completely speechless. Dr. Huck said the next step, before any treatment action was taken, was to get x-rays of Charlotte’s lungs and chest to be sure that the cancer had not spread. After this, Dr. Huck said, surgery could take place. Dr. Huck never mentioned biopsy and presented the cytology report as a DEFINITE CANCER DIAGNOSIS. I made an appointment for Charlotte’s chest x-rays for that Saturday September 29th at the Blue Pearl Brooklyn location.
I got off the phone and tried to process the news that my sweet Charlotte had cancer and that Dr. Huck had said amputation was the best treatment. I called my regular vet and told her what was going on. She agreed that the next step should be chest imaging to check for any signs of spreading. My regular vet suggested setting up a consultation with Dr. Joshua Lachowicz, the oncologist with whom Dr. Huck had involved regarding Charlotte’s cytology.
Friday, September 28th , 2012. I called Blue Pearl to set up an appointment with Dr. Lachowicz at the Forest Hills office, for Tuesday October 2nd.
On this day we went to Blue Pearl in Brooklyn to have chest x-rays done. Did not meet with any doctor. Charlotte was taken in her carrier to have x-rays done and was brought back out to waiting room when the x-rays were done. The vet tech said that Dr. Huck would call on Monday with the findings of the x-rays.
Monday, October 1st, 2012. Dr. Huck called and said that the x-rays showed no evidence of metastasis in Charlotte’s chest. She said that this meant that the cancer was localized to the mass her leg. Dr. Huck talked about the treatment options again (removal or de-bulking the mass, followed by chemotherapy OR the alternative, which was amputation). She said that amputation would be the best option. I told her that I had made an appointment with veterinary oncologist Dr. Lachowicz to discuss options in more depth and have him involved in the treatment process, as he was already familiar with Charlotte’s case.
Tuesday, October 2nd, 2012.
Blue Pearl Appointment in Forest Hills with Dr. Lachowicz. This appointment began with a physical exam. Dr. Lachowicz then examined Charlotte more closely checking for any other bumps. He said that he had been reviewing Charlotte’s chest x-rays and saw a small “area of concern” that may need to be rechecked at some point. That alarmed me a bit, as Dr. Huck had not mentioned this at all. She had specifically told me that the x-rays were clear. We then discussed the treatment options. Dr. Lachowicz then said that there was a very minuscule chance that the mass was not malignant. Dr. Lachowicz did not give me a basis for that. I asked him how can cancer cells show up and be present in a mass that isn’t malignant. He quickly answered by saying that pathologists don't usually over interpret results. DR. LACHOWICZ ALSO DID NOT DISCLOSE TO ME THAT THE PATHOLOGIST REPORT STATED THAT "reactive fibroplasma" CAN MIMIC A MALIGNANT SARCOMA. He said that the best way to know what the mass was, would be to do a CT scan followed by biopsy of the mass, to see if it could be removed. Dr. Lachowicz told me the cost for CT scan, mass removal and radiation therapy was significantly higher than any other option, but I would do anything within my means to help my Charlotte, SO I PLANNED TO GO FORWARD WITH BIOPSY. It seemed as though having the CT scan and biopsy was a more sound path, instead of rushing into the severe amputation surgery as Dr. Huck had proposed.
Dr. Lachowicz then suggested that we set up the appointment for the CT scan and biopsy at the Blue Pearl Veterinary office in Manhattan on a day that BOTH he and Dr. Huck would be there. I was relieved that the two doctors would be involved the day of the scan to assess and suggest the best course of action. The soonest date was Monday, October 15th, 2012. I felt as though I was definitely making the best choice for Charlotte by having more tests done to get a conclusive answer.
Later that afternoon, I received an email from Dr. Lachowicz summarizing the appointment and restating his treatment advise. In the closure of his email, Dr. Lachowicz wrote," The more aggressive the treatment, the better the opportunity for long-term control. If no further therapy is planned, then treatment is largely palliative and may only keep Charlotte comfortable for a few months." The doctor's words emphasized the severity of Charlotte's situation.
Wednesday, October 10th, 2012. I had some questions about the upcoming appointment, so I called Blue Pearl to speak with Dr. Huck and touch base before the CT scan and removal. The receptionist told me that Dr. Huck was not working that week, but an email message would be sent to her and she would call me back.
I left a message, but still felt anxious about the upcoming appointment, so I emailed Dr. Lachowicz. He explained again, the treatment plan for Monday; which involved the CT scan, removal (or partial removal) and again said the best way to know what the mass was, was to biopsy it, which was my plan for the October 15th appointment. In his second email to me, Dr. Lachowicz specifically said, he would "have to see something "extreme" on the CT scan to forego biopsy of the mass itself and proceed right to amputation considering the findings and our discussions thus far." This clearly stated that only in THE MOST EXTREME CASE, would they consider amputation as the next step.
After getting the doctor's reply, I felt a little more prepared to go in on Monday to Blue Pearl, for the CT scan, which, I was told, would inform the two doctors as to whether or not the mass could be removed. If the mass could be removed, they would and it would be biopsied. If it couldn’t be removed because of the location, a small portion of the mass would be removed for biopsy. Dr. Huck never called back or reached out before the October 15th appointment, the day of the procedure. Based on my conversations and emails with Dr. Lachowicz, I felt assured that the correct steps were going to be taken based on what he and Dr. Huck found in the CT scans on Monday.
Monday, October 15th, 2012.
Looking back, I can honestly say this was one of the worst days of my life, having to make the decisions that I was forced to make in such a rushed and insensitive way.
We got to the Blue Pearl Veterinary Specialists in Manhattan around 8:00 am and were told to take a seat in the waiting room. After about twenty minutes, a vet tech came out to the waiting room with some papers to fill out. She went over the procedures for the day and then showed me a long and complicated itemized invoice with a “low” and “high” estimate of the procedures to be done that day. I was then given a form to fill out about resuscitation and life support. Once everything was signed, the vet tech took Charlotte to be prepped for the CT scan. She grabbed the carrier and proceeded to walk away. I stopped her to give my girl a kiss before she went under anesthesia for the CT scan and possible mass removal procedure. I paid in full the "low" estimate on the invoice and was told that Dr. Huck would call me in a few hours when the results of the CT scan had been viewed and discussed.
I walked around, waiting for the phone call that the CT scan results were in. Dr. Huck called about an hour later asking me to return to the office to go over the findings of the scans.I returned and Dr. Huck brought up the CT images on a computer screen in the reception area. She told me that the situation was more serious than they had thought and that mass was closely associated with a bone near it. Possibly, Dr. Huck said, the only way to remove it would be to take a small portion of the bone. She again stated that the best course of treatment would be amputation and that cats adjust well and that she would still be able to get around. My mother, who was with me, asked if the mass would be removed for biopsy. Dr. Huck was adamant and said the mass should not be disturbed at all and the entire limb would need to be removed and sent for biopsy/histopathology. To hear Dr. Huck say that amputation was the best course of action and that the mass should "not be disturbed" was alarming and devastating. Biopsy was not mentioned at all by Dr. Huck. She had said the mass should not be disturbed. As Dr. Lachowicz had told me, they would “have to see something "extreme" on the CT scan to forego biopsy of the mass itself and proceed right to amputation.” This seemed to be that "extreme" situation as evidenced by Dr. Huck’s reluctance to touch the mass.
Dr. Huck said she would give me some time to think about it. Still in the waiting room, I was completely stunned, thinking about the options that Dr. Huck had presented, and what Dr. Lachowicz had said to me about this situation. I sat there sobbing at the fact that I had gone there simply to have a CT scan and removal of the mass followed by biopsy and it had come to this. I was putting my trust in these two veterinary specialists, taking their advice as to the best treatment plan, which Dr. Huck unequivocally said would be amputation.
Dr. Huck came back out to the waiting room about fifteen minutes later to see if I had made a decision. I asked her what she would do if it were her cat. She hesitated for a second and then clearly told me that she would amputate. I then made one the hardest decisions of my entire life and decided that the best way to save Charlotte’s life from this malignant tumor, was to follow the advice of the doctors at Blue Pearl and amputate. As soon as I said it, Dr. Huck rushed away. I felt like she had just left me hanging. She came back into the waiting room a couple of minutes later and said she was being paged because Charlotte was being kept anesthetized through all of this. She again said that this was the right decision and rushed away again. The receptionist told me that I would get a phone call from the doctor when the procedure was over. I again left and just walked around waiting to know how Charlotte was doing. The whole time, I thought about Charlotte lying on the operating table. I comforted myself that Dr. Huck and Dr. Lachowicz had been guiding me toward what they said was the best treatment plan. Dr. Huck called a few hours later, saying that the surgery was successful. Charlotte was in the “ICU”, area and would be monitored overnight. I was told I would be called later that evening with an update of how she was doing. I got a call later that night saying that Charlotte was doing well, breathing well and curled up in her cage.
Tuesday, October 16th, 2012.
I called Blue Pearl in the morning and spoke to a vet tech who had gone in to check on Charlotte. She said her vitals were good, she was doing well, and had eaten a bit. I was relieved that she seemed to be doing okay considering everything she had been through.
Later in the afternoon, the doctor who was on rotation at Blue Pearl called and left a message saying Charlotte could be picked up that day. When Charlotte was admitted the day before on Monday, they had said she would be there until Wednesday in order to monitor her heart murmur. I felt more comfortable having her closely monitored at the hospital, so I called Blue Pearl to have her remain over night and be picked up on Wednesday afternoon. That night I spent rearranging my apartment. I knew that the healing and adjustment process would be hard and painful for Charlotte, so I took all of the tall furniture out of my bedroom and made everything low so she wouldn’t be tempted to jump up.
It was another lonely sleepless night without my girl.
Wednesday October 17th, 2012. I called Blue Pearl in the morning and she was doing well and eaten some more. I couldn’t wait to have Charlotte come home, but was nervous about seeing her.
I got to Blue Pearl NYC at around 4:30 to pick Charlotte up . After waiting anxiously for about an hour in the waiting room, I was given another invoice with the remaining balance to pay before they would even bring Charlotte out.
We waited another hour and finally a vet tech brought her out swaddled in a blanket under one arm with her carrier in his other hand. He said that she was doing well and had "used the litter box". The vet tech explained how we should take care of her sutures, the medications to give her, and other hospital discharge instructions. At no time during that visit did a doctor see us and we were once again, only seen in the waiting room. At the time, I didn’t even think of that it was odd we were not in an exam room. I was just happy my girl did well and was on her way to recovery.
All I could think was that she was a survivor. We went home and began the first day of a new chapter in our life together. When we got there, I brought Charlotte into the bedroom where she would be confined until she was healed. She found the little “bed” I had made for her out of a fluff of blankets on the floor and went right to it. That night, I left the light on and watched her. I drifted in and out of sleep on the floor next to her, staying close to keep her warm and make her feel safe.
Thursday October 18th, 2012.
Woke up in the morning and Charlotte was up on the bed, which is only six inches off the ground, but still an accomplishment for a cat who had just undergone such an invasive surgery. That first full day was hard...I didn’t want to leave her alone even for a second. She just seemed shocked and traumatized, her eyes huge as saucers from the pain meds. She flinched and twitched at every sound. The night before, I had looked at the incision site the, but when I looked on this day, her skin was even more discolored. Charlotte’s entire “torso” area was severely bruised and red.
Friday, October 19th, 2012. I slept next to Charlotte on the floor again and woke up to her straining to urinate in the litter box. Called Blue Pearl at 5:30 am in Manhattan. I explained that she hadn’t urinated in over 24 hours and was going to the box but not producing urine. The doctor on duty said that there was no emergency or it could be a blockage (which is actually serious) and that I could either wait for my regular vet to be open or go to the Brooklyn Blue Pearl location.
I decided to go to Blue Pearl Brooklyn. Got there at about 6:30 a.m. and was seen by a vet tech who examined Charlotte and said that her bladder didn’t feel full and that she probably just didn’t have any urine. He said he could spare me the emergency visit fee instead of seeing the doctor and that maybe I should just wait for my regular vet. I said no and opted to see the doctor on duty at that hour. The doctor came in and examined Charlotte listened to our concerns, slightly dismissing them as we spoke. She looked at the severe red bruising all down Charlotte’s side, down away from where the incision was. She said that it was normal. Then, the doctor brought Charlotte into a room with a litter box to see if she would go. Ten minutes later, the doctor came back to the waiting room holding a little container with a reddish liquid. She said there was blood in Charlotte’s urine, which could have been caused by an infection or possibly stones. Had urinalysis and culture done.
Tuesday,October 30, 2012.
Suture removal day. Brought Charlotte to Blue Pearl Brooklyn to have Dr. Jennifer Huck remove the sutures. She was brought upstairs to have the stitches taken out. About 15 minutes later, Dr. Huck came out with Charlotte in her carrier. She said everything looked good, the incision was healed, and the sutures had been removed. Dr. Huck said that the histopathology report has not come back yet, but her lymph nodes showed no signs metastasis. At the time, I didn't even think to ask how she knew there was no sign of spreading if the histopathology report had not come back yet.
I expressed my gratitude to her for everything she and Dr. Lachowicz had done.
I wish I could take that back now.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012. 4:28 p.m. Dr. Huck called with the findings of the histopathology. I picked up and her voice was very upbeat and cheerful as she told me the report had finally come in. I thought, by the tone of her voice, that the treatment path she strongly advised had cured Charlotte of this malignant sarcoma. The same “malignant” mass Dr. Huck had said she did not want to disturb, on the day of Charlotte’s surgery.
But that was wrong.
Dr. Huck began by saying that the report showed that there was “NO EVIDENCE OF SPREAD”. She continued in the chipper voice, saying that it was actually something called OSTEOCHONDROMA, "which is more of a BENIGN process and not a malignant process." She went on, saying that she was definitely frustrated by this. I was frozen. I felt completely sick. Sick that I had trusted and put faith in Dr. Huck and Dr. Lachowicz. I believe all I said to her was, “Wow, thanks.” And I hung up. I paced back and forth, crying.
My girl was changed for life...mutilated...for no reason at all? No cancer? How was this possible? I had followed the treatment advice that these two veterinary specialists had given me on the day of the CT scan. My mind still cannot wrap itself around the fact on the day of the scan, I was told that the situation was more serious than they had thought. Even if Dr. Huck thought that the mass was more difficult to remove because of the location, biopsy should still have been presented on the day of the procedure, which it most definitely was not. Dr. Lachowicz specifically said that, he'd “have to see something "extreme" on the CT scan to forego biopsy of the mass itself and proceed right to amputation". Both doctors were present at Blue Pearl NYC on this date, as that was the plan laid out in my appointment with Dr. Lachowicz, and I was advised on that day that amputation was the best course of action. After viewing the CT results, I asked Dr. Huck what she would do if it were her cat. She quite clearly told me that she would AMPUTATE if it were her cat. My appointment on October 15th had only been for the CT scan and a biopsy. My plan after that was to have the mass removed for biopsy, or a portion of it.
Wednesday, November 7th, 2012. Called Blue Pearl to have Charlotte’s entire medical record mailed to me.
Friday, November 9th, 2012. Called Blue Pearl back to see if records had been sent. They had not, so I decided to pick them up.
Saturday, November 10th, 2012. Went to Blue Pearl in Brooklyn to pick up Charlotte’s records. The receptionist handed me the package. I walked out to my car and opened it, my hands shaking, wondering where these two veterinary professionals had gone wrong This just should not have happened. I began reading the medical file that was given to me; from the initial appointment all the way through. I WAS SHOCKED. There was information missing. But not only was information missing, but there there was VITAL INFORMATION NOT DISCLOSED BY DR. HUCK from the original cytology report. Although one email correspondence from Dr. Lachowicz was present in the record, the email in which he stated that he to proceed with amputation he would need to see something "extreme" on the day of October 15th was nowhere to be seen. I happen to have ALL emails and correspondences saved.
Wednesday, November 21st, 2012. I've had some to begin to digest this and recount all of the occurrences of the past few months. I've spent time adjusting to Charlotte's new needs and she's doing very well adapting. I've been through every emotion; anger, sadness, doubt, bitterness....and realize that regretting having gone to Blue Pearl is pointless, because, bottom line happened.
Replaying the past two months in my mind, I am just completely devastated. Piecing together Charlotte's medical file, some written by Dr. Jennifer Huck and some written by Dr. Joshua Lachowicz. IF DR. HUCK HAD RELAYED THE ENTIRE ORIGINAL CYTOLOGY report to me, my course of action as to Charlotte's treatment would have been have significantly different. On September 27th, when Dr. Huck gave the results to me over the phone she NEVER REVEALED THIS MAJOR detail that was written by the pathologist in the report. In the medical file, Dr. Huck did NOT NOTE THIS MAJOR DETAIL.
I've wondered whether or not Dr. Huck and Dr. Lachowicz care at all that they "dropped the ball" on Charlotte's case. There was no sense of sadness, empathy, feeling, or caring at all in Dr. Huck's voice when she gave me the results of the histopathology telling me the mass was BENIGN. To not take any sort of accountability or even exhibit some common human decency by saying, "Sorry, that this happened." completely beyond me.

I’m from Brooklyn, NY and so is my cat, Charlotte. We met about 10 years ago at a nearby veterinarian’s office, when I adopted her. Charlotte and I have been through so much together and she is honestly one of my best friends.
Monday, September 24nd, 2012.
I had noticed Charlotte limping for a few days and decided to monitor it to see if it would subside on its own. She continued to limp intermittently and then began keeping weight off of one her paws. I took a closer look and felt a bump on her left front leg. I thought perhaps she had jumped off of something while playing and had hurt herself. I called my regular veterinarian and made an appointment.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012.
Went to the vet to have Charlotte’s leg looked at and x-rayed. At the vet’s office, Dr. ____ observed Charlotte walking, but she wasn’t limping. Dr. ____ did a physical examination and was able to feel a bump.
She then did 2 different x-ray views of Charlotte's front left leg and was able to see a small mass in the images. Dr. ____ explained that the machine at her office was not the clearest lately and that to get a more definitive answer, I should have it looked at by a specialist. She gave me a referral to see Dr. Jennifer Huck at Blue Pearl Veterinary Specialists (NYC Veterinary Partners) to have an aspirate and cytology done. The next day, I made an appointment with Dr. Jennifer Huck at Blue Pearl.
Thursday, September 27th, 2012
My first visit to Blue Pearl Veterinary. I wish, now, that I could turn back time.
The news she gave was the complete opposite of what her tone of voice had suggested in the message. I was obviously hoping to hear that Charlotte was fine, but instead, Dr. Huck told me that the mass WAS indeed malignant. She said she had consulted with a veterinary oncologist at Blue Pearl, Dr. Joshua Lachowicz, on the results of Charlotte's cytology report. She then explained the treatment options that the two doctors had discussed regarding Charlotte’s case: removal of the mass followed by chemotherapy OR amputation. Amputation? My entire body became numb and began to tremble the second Dr. Huck had said that word. She stressed that based on the findings she felt the BEST curative action would be amputation. I was shocked, shaking.....and completely speechless. Dr. Huck said the next step, before any treatment action was taken, was to get x-rays of Charlotte’s lungs and chest to be sure that the cancer had not spread. After this, Dr. Huck said, surgery could take place. Dr. Huck never mentioned biopsy and presented the cytology report as a DEFINITE CANCER DIAGNOSIS. I made an appointment for Charlotte’s chest x-rays for that Saturday September 29th at the Blue Pearl Brooklyn location.
I got off the phone and tried to process the news that my sweet Charlotte had cancer and that Dr. Huck had said amputation was the best treatment. I called my regular vet and told her what was going on. She agreed that the next step should be chest imaging to check for any signs of spreading. My regular vet suggested setting up a consultation with Dr. Joshua Lachowicz, the oncologist with whom Dr. Huck had involved regarding Charlotte’s cytology.
Friday, September 28th , 2012.
I called Blue Pearl to set up an appointment with Dr. Lachowicz at the Forest Hills office, for Tuesday October 2nd.
On this day we went to Blue Pearl in Brooklyn to have chest x-rays done. Did not meet with any doctor. Charlotte was taken in her carrier to have x-rays done and was brought back out to waiting room when the x-rays were done. The vet tech said that Dr. Huck would call on Monday with the findings of the x-rays.
Monday, October 1st, 2012.
Dr. Huck called and said that the x-rays showed no evidence of metastasis in Charlotte’s chest. She said that this meant that the cancer was localized to the mass her leg. Dr. Huck talked about the treatment options again (removal or de-bulking the mass, followed by chemotherapy OR the alternative, which was amputation). She said that amputation would be the best option. I told her that I had made an appointment with veterinary oncologist Dr. Lachowicz to discuss options in more depth and have him involved in the treatment process, as he was already familiar with Charlotte’s case.
Tuesday, October 2nd, 2012.
Blue Pearl Appointment in Forest Hills with Dr. Lachowicz. This appointment began with a physical exam. Dr. Lachowicz then examined Charlotte more closely checking for any other bumps. He said that he had been reviewing Charlotte’s chest x-rays and saw a small “area of concern” that may need to be rechecked at some point. That alarmed me a bit, as Dr. Huck had not mentioned this at all. She had specifically told me that the x-rays were clear. We then discussed the treatment options. Dr. Lachowicz then said that there was a very minuscule chance that the mass was not malignant. Dr. Lachowicz did not give me a basis for that. I asked him how can cancer cells show up and be present in a mass that isn’t malignant. He quickly answered by saying that pathologists don't usually over interpret results. DR. LACHOWICZ ALSO DID NOT DISCLOSE TO ME THAT THE PATHOLOGIST REPORT STATED THAT "reactive fibroplasma" CAN MIMIC A MALIGNANT SARCOMA. He said that the best way to know what the mass was, would be to do a CT scan followed by biopsy of the mass, to see if it could be removed. Dr. Lachowicz told me the cost for CT scan, mass removal and radiation therapy was significantly higher than any other option, but I would do anything within my means to help my Charlotte, SO I PLANNED TO GO FORWARD WITH BIOPSY. It seemed as though having the CT scan and biopsy was a more sound path, instead of rushing into the severe amputation surgery as Dr. Huck had proposed.
Dr. Lachowicz then suggested that we set up the appointment for the CT scan and biopsy at the Blue Pearl Veterinary office in Manhattan on a day that BOTH he and Dr. Huck would be there. I was relieved that the two doctors would be involved the day of the scan to assess and suggest the best course of action. The soonest date was Monday, October 15th, 2012. I felt as though I was definitely making the best choice for Charlotte by having more tests done to get a conclusive answer.
Wednesday, October 10th, 2012.
I had some questions about the upcoming appointment, so I called Blue Pearl to speak with Dr. Huck and touch base before the CT scan and removal. The receptionist told me that Dr. Huck was not working that week, but an email message would be sent to her and she would call me back.
I left a message, but still felt anxious about the upcoming appointment, so I emailed Dr. Lachowicz. He explained again, the treatment plan for Monday; which involved the CT scan, removal (or partial removal) and again said the best way to know what the mass was, was to biopsy it, which was my plan for the October 15th appointment. In his second email to me, Dr. Lachowicz specifically said, he would "have to see something "extreme" on the CT scan to forego biopsy of the mass itself and proceed right to amputation considering the findings and our discussions thus far." This clearly stated that only in THE MOST EXTREME CASE, would they consider amputation as the next step.
After getting the doctor's reply, I felt a little more prepared to go in on Monday to Blue Pearl, for the CT scan, which, I was told, would inform the two doctors as to whether or not the mass could be removed. If the mass could be removed, they would and it would be biopsied. If it couldn’t be removed because of the location, a small portion of the mass would be removed for biopsy. Dr. Huck never called back or reached out before the October 15th appointment, the day of the procedure. Based on my conversations and emails with Dr. Lachowicz, I felt assured that the correct steps were going to be taken based on what he and Dr. Huck found in the CT scans on Monday.
Monday, October 15th, 2012.

We got to the Blue Pearl Veterinary Specialists in Manhattan around 8:00 am and were told to take a seat in the waiting room. After about twenty minutes, a vet tech came out to the waiting room with some papers to fill out. She went over the procedures for the day and then showed me a long and complicated itemized invoice with a “low” and “high” estimate of the procedures to be done that day. I was then given a form to fill out about resuscitation and life support. Once everything was signed, the vet tech took Charlotte to be prepped for the CT scan. She grabbed the carrier and proceeded to walk away. I stopped her to give my girl a kiss before she went under anesthesia for the CT scan and possible mass removal procedure. I paid in full the "low" estimate on the invoice and was told that Dr. Huck would call me in a few hours when the results of the CT scan had been viewed and discussed.
I walked around, waiting for the phone call that the CT scan results were in. Dr. Huck called about an hour later asking me to return to the office to go over the findings of the scans.I returned and Dr. Huck brought up the CT images on a computer screen in the reception area. She told me that the situation was more serious than they had thought and that mass was closely associated with a bone near it. Possibly, Dr. Huck said, the only way to remove it would be to take a small portion of the bone. She again stated that the best course of treatment would be amputation and that cats adjust well and that she would still be able to get around. My mother, who was with me, asked if the mass would be removed for biopsy. Dr. Huck was adamant and said the mass should not be disturbed at all and the entire limb would need to be removed and sent for biopsy/histopathology. To hear Dr. Huck say that amputation was the best course of action and that the mass should "not be disturbed" was alarming and devastating. Biopsy was not mentioned at all by Dr. Huck. She had said the mass should not be disturbed. As Dr. Lachowicz had told me, they would “have to see something "extreme" on the CT scan to forego biopsy of the mass itself and proceed right to amputation.” This seemed to be that "extreme" situation as evidenced by Dr. Huck’s reluctance to touch the mass.
Dr. Huck said she would give me some time to think about it. Still in the waiting room, I was completely stunned, thinking about the options that Dr. Huck had presented, and what Dr. Lachowicz had said to me about this situation. I sat there sobbing at the fact that I had gone there simply to have a CT scan and removal of the mass followed by biopsy and it had come to this. I was putting my trust in these two veterinary specialists, taking their advice as to the best treatment plan, which Dr. Huck unequivocally said would be amputation.
Dr. Huck came back out to the waiting room about fifteen minutes later to see if I had made a decision. I asked her what she would do if it were her cat. She hesitated for a second and then clearly told me that she would amputate. I then made one the hardest decisions of my entire life and decided that the best way to save Charlotte’s life from this malignant tumor, was to follow the advice of the doctors at Blue Pearl and amputate. As soon as I said it, Dr. Huck rushed away. I felt like she had just left me hanging. She came back into the waiting room a couple of minutes later and said she was being paged because Charlotte was being kept anesthetized through all of this. She again said that this was the right decision and rushed away again. The receptionist told me that I would get a phone call from the doctor when the procedure was over. I again left and just walked around waiting to know how Charlotte was doing. The whole time, I thought about Charlotte lying on the operating table. I comforted myself that Dr. Huck and Dr. Lachowicz had been guiding me toward what they said was the best treatment plan.
Dr. Huck called a few hours later, saying that the surgery was successful. Charlotte was in the “ICU”, area and would be monitored overnight. I was told I would be called later that evening with an update of how she was doing. I got a call later that night saying that Charlotte was doing well, breathing well and curled up in her cage.
Tuesday, October 16th, 2012.
I called Blue Pearl in the morning and spoke to a vet tech who had gone in to check on Charlotte. She said her vitals were good, she was doing well, and had eaten a bit. I was relieved that she seemed to be doing okay considering everything she had been through.
Later in the afternoon, the doctor who was on rotation at Blue Pearl called and left a message saying Charlotte could be picked up that day. When Charlotte was admitted the day before on Monday, they had said she would be there until Wednesday in order to monitor her heart murmur. I felt more comfortable having her closely monitored at the hospital, so I called Blue Pearl to have her remain over night and be picked up on Wednesday afternoon. That night I spent rearranging my apartment. I knew that the healing and adjustment process would be hard and painful for Charlotte, so I took all of the tall furniture out of my bedroom and made everything low so she wouldn’t be tempted to jump up.
It was another lonely sleepless night without my girl.
Wednesday October 17th, 2012.
I called Blue Pearl in the morning and she was doing well and eaten some more. I couldn’t wait to have Charlotte come home, but was nervous about seeing her.
I got to Blue Pearl NYC at around 4:30 to pick Charlotte up . After waiting anxiously for about an hour in the waiting room, I was given another invoice with the remaining balance to pay before they would even bring Charlotte out.
We waited another hour and finally a vet tech brought her out swaddled in a blanket under one arm with her carrier in his other hand. He said that she was doing well and had "used the litter box". The vet tech explained how we should take care of her sutures, the medications to give her, and other hospital discharge instructions. At no time during that visit did a doctor see us and we were once again, only seen in the waiting room. At the time, I didn’t even think of that it was odd we were not in an exam room. I was just happy my girl did well and was on her way to recovery.

Thursday October 18th, 2012.
Woke up in the morning and Charlotte was up on the bed, which is only six inches off the ground, but still an accomplishment for a cat who had just undergone such an invasive surgery. That first full day was hard...I didn’t want to leave her alone even for a second. She just seemed shocked and traumatized, her eyes huge as saucers from the pain meds. She flinched and twitched at every sound. The night before, I had looked at the incision site the, but when I looked on this day, her skin was even more discolored. Charlotte’s entire “torso” area was severely bruised and red.
Friday, October 19th, 2012.
I slept next to Charlotte on the floor again and woke up to her straining to urinate in the litter box. Called Blue Pearl at 5:30 am in Manhattan. I explained that she hadn’t urinated in over 24 hours and was going to the box but not producing urine. The doctor on duty said that there was no emergency or it could be a blockage (which is actually serious) and that I could either wait for my regular vet to be open or go to the Brooklyn Blue Pearl location.
I decided to go to Blue Pearl Brooklyn. Got there at about 6:30 a.m. and was seen by a vet tech who examined Charlotte and said that her bladder didn’t feel full and that she probably just didn’t have any urine. He said he could spare me the emergency visit fee instead of seeing the doctor and that maybe I should just wait for my regular vet. I said no and opted to see the doctor on duty at that hour. The doctor came in and examined Charlotte listened to our concerns, slightly dismissing them as we spoke. She looked at the severe red bruising all down Charlotte’s side, down away from where the incision was. She said that it was normal. Then, the doctor brought Charlotte into a room with a litter box to see if she would go. Ten minutes later, the doctor came back to the waiting room holding a little container with a reddish liquid. She said there was blood in Charlotte’s urine, which could have been caused by an infection or possibly stones. Had urinalysis and culture done.
Tuesday,October 30, 2012.
I expressed my gratitude to her for everything she and Dr. Lachowicz had done.
I wish I could take that back now.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012.
4:28 p.m. Dr. Huck called with the findings of the histopathology. I picked up and her voice was very upbeat and cheerful as she told me the report had finally come in. I thought, by the tone of her voice, that the treatment path she strongly advised had cured Charlotte of this malignant sarcoma. The same “malignant” mass Dr. Huck had said she did not want to disturb, on the day of Charlotte’s surgery.
But that was wrong.
Dr. Huck began by saying that the report showed that there was “NO EVIDENCE OF SPREAD”. She continued in the chipper voice, saying that it was actually something called OSTEOCHONDROMA, "which is more of a BENIGN process and not a malignant process." She went on, saying that she was definitely frustrated by this. I was frozen. I felt completely sick. Sick that I had trusted and put faith in Dr. Huck and Dr. Lachowicz. I believe all I said to her was, “Wow, thanks.” And I hung up. I paced back and forth, crying.
Wednesday, November 7th, 2012.
Called Blue Pearl to have Charlotte’s entire medical record mailed to me.
Friday, November 9th, 2012.
Called Blue Pearl back to see if records had been sent. They had not, so I decided to pick them up.
Saturday, November 10th, 2012.
Went to Blue Pearl in Brooklyn to pick up Charlotte’s records. The receptionist handed me the package. I walked out to my car and opened it, my hands shaking, wondering where these two veterinary professionals had gone wrong This just should not have happened. I began reading the medical file that was given to me; from the initial appointment all the way through. I WAS SHOCKED. There was information missing. But not only was information missing, but there there was VITAL INFORMATION NOT DISCLOSED BY DR. HUCK from the original cytology report. Although one email correspondence from Dr. Lachowicz was present in the record, the email in which he stated that he to proceed with amputation he would need to see something "extreme" on the day of October 15th was nowhere to be seen. I happen to have ALL emails and correspondences saved.
Wednesday, November 21st, 2012.
I've had some to begin to digest this and recount all of the occurrences of the past few months. I've spent time adjusting to Charlotte's new needs and she's doing very well adapting. I've been through every emotion; anger, sadness, doubt, bitterness....and realize that regretting having gone to Blue Pearl is pointless, because, bottom line happened.
Replaying the past two months in my mind, I am just completely devastated. Piecing together Charlotte's medical file, some written by Dr. Jennifer Huck and some written by Dr. Joshua Lachowicz. IF DR. HUCK HAD RELAYED THE ENTIRE ORIGINAL CYTOLOGY report to me, my course of action as to Charlotte's treatment would have been have significantly different. On September 27th, when Dr. Huck gave the results to me over the phone she NEVER REVEALED THIS MAJOR detail that was written by the pathologist in the report. In the medical file, Dr. Huck did NOT NOTE THIS MAJOR DETAIL.
I've wondered whether or not Dr. Huck and Dr. Lachowicz care at all that they "dropped the ball" on Charlotte's case. There was no sense of sadness, empathy, feeling, or caring at all in Dr. Huck's voice when she gave me the results of the histopathology telling me the mass was BENIGN. To not take any sort of accountability or even exhibit some common human decency by saying, "Sorry, that this happened." completely beyond me.
What a story! I'm so sorry for you both - this is unbelievable. I can understand your range of emotions - you are entitled to all of them. You are correct about nothing helping her leg grow back now...but have you thought about demanding your money back from Blue Pearl? I definitely would - and pitch a stink about it if it didn't happen faster than ASAP. To go through all of that and then pay for it? Are you KIDDING??
ReplyDeleteI would nicely state my concerns and request a refund at first, but my mama lioness voice would make an appearance real quick if things weren't rectified as much as possible. Please consider getting a refund - then buying Charlotte something really special. (I just saw these cat beds that have heaters in them for the winter - I'm sure she'd love that!) You did all you could and tried to protect her. These people acted like maniacs in this instance and they must be held accountable.
Please keep this updated if you decide to move ahead with anything - I am curious and would love to know how you turn out. You guys will both be in my thoughts and prayers. xx
Crazy people
ReplyDeleteI can't even believe your story. I am so sorry for you and your cat Charlotte. I'm sure you're thinking of what type of recourse you have.
ReplyDeleteYou can file a formal complaint with the investigative office: Office of the Professionals New York State Education Department, 163 West 125th Street, Room 819, New York, NY 10027 Tel: 212-961-4369 Fax: 212-961-4361 To download complaint form go to:
I really wish the best for you and Charlotte and hope that some form of justice does occur.
OMG I can believe this,some animal doctors are only doing what they do for the money not for the care and concern of the animal,I am so very sorry for you and Charlotte,what a beautiful baby.I hope and pray with all my heart that you sue this doctor and this animal facility that he is working in as so he can not do this again to an innocent beautiful baby.
ReplyDeleteGood Luck to you and kisses for Charlotte,Please consider your options.
PS: Are you going to keep the publishing up on facebook and keep it going,what a great idea.
Take Care Always~ Sandi
Hi Sandi,
DeleteThank you for reading Charlotte's story and for taking the time to write to me. She is doing so much better every is an inspiration to see. I am hoping that by telling her story, people will be able to learn something. Don't just trust doctors bc they are "specialists", go get that second, that third opinion.
Thank you again for your prayers and sweet note. :)
im so sorry you had to go through this. Its so hard to find vets that honestly do whats best for the animal and not just to put money in their pocket. My heart goes out to you both, and i think this is a great idea to do a blog and be able to share this. Animals are our bestfriends, i had a little chihuahua that was murdered, and everyday i live in pain, and im sure everytime you look at your cat you feel sad in a way, but dont worry your there for her everyday, and she loves you, keep doing this and sharing this and telling people your story, your doing a great thing, ill pray for you both.
ReplyDeleteOh, my goodness, I am so sorry about your sweet dog that was murdered. What a complete horror. I am so sorry for you and for your dog. I can't even believe it. THis is truly one of the hardest things I have gone through. Some people don't understand feeling so close to an animal, but I think most people who live with and take care of an animal(s) feels this way. Thankfully, Charlotte is learning to do all of her favorite things again and she is adjusting more and more each day.
DeleteThank you so much for your kind words, prayers, and support. I means a lot to me :)
I am suprised they did not offer to do a small section biopsy first, by taking a very small peice first then send it out to the lab. If it can back with nothing then leave her alone. But they did not do that and went drastic first. Thats to bad. Good luck anyway
ReplyDeleteHi there, Thank you for reading Charlotte's story. On the day of the procedure, the doctor didn't even mention this an an option. Based on the CT scan, she said the situation was more serious and that amputation was the best option for treatment. I still can't believe the way that things unfolded and how this tragedy occurred. Charlotte continues to improve and adjust day by day...and she is starting to relearn all of her favorite things like running and jumping.
DeleteThank you for reaching out to means a lot that people are reading and sharing Charlotte's story.
Dear Louise & Charlotte,
ReplyDeleteMy 11 kitties (all indoor),1 puppy, as well as, my husband & myself will keep you in our thoughts always.
You should check with whoever handles the licensing of veterinarians in New York, and see about filing a complaint or more!!
It's so hard to put our trust in other people to take care of one of the things in life we love the most, and that loves us back, no questions asked! (It's one reason we bought an RV - so we can take EVERYONE - all 12 with us on vacations. I don't trust anyone to watch them!!)
Please keep "us" informed with what you do & how Charlotte is doing:)
Cathy M. >^..^<
Hi Cathy,
DeleteThank you for means a lot that people are reading Charlotte's story. It is still very difficult...but thankfully as I see Charlotte improve...I get stronger..and we just are helping each other through this. She is really an inspiration.
You definitely said it; it is so hard to put our trust in others with our sweet animals....and the fact that I put trust in these people and this is the tragedy that occurred...THAT has been the hardest part.
But, like I said...I am trying to become stronger every day so that Charlotte and I can move on and enjoy each other every day. :)
Thank you again for reaching out to me
I'm in tears reading your story about beautiful Charlotte and I'm so sorry that you had to go through this. I hope that you find justice and everything works out!!
Hi LB, thank you for taking the time to read Charlotte's story and to write to really has been such a hard time. Thankfully Charlotte is getting better each day as she get stronger and relearns all the things she loves doing..jumping, playing, running. It truly is inspirational. Thank you again for reaching out :)
DeleteAt the very least, the cost of the surgery should be on the hospital(preferably out of the Dr. responsibles' paycheck). Some places WONT care unless they are hit where it hurts THEM-the pocketbook.
ReplyDeleteSo true.
DeleteThank you for reading Charlotte's story.
Everyone makes mistakes, even human doctors but not to apologize or acknowledge the error is inexcusable. If you have not been reimbursed for your expenses then for sure get yourself a lawyer and sue. That's the only way some people learn. Several years ago my dear friend had a pap smear at her doctor's office and it was malignant but the doctor never told her. Five years later she requested her records as she was changing doctors and there was the pathology report. Never a sorry from the doctor even after she passed away. After the lawsuit was filed he finally apologized but too late.
ReplyDeleteGood luck to you
Hi there...I am so sorry about your friend...that is unbelievable.
DeleteThank you for taking the time to read Charlotte's story and reach out to me.
Hello. I am sorry for what you and your kitty had to go through with the surgery, uncertainty, and the like. I can see things from your point, however, I can also see things from the vets' point of view (since I am one). From the initial lameness, and then closeness of the mass to the bone, my advice may have been amputation, also. However, since osteosarcoma is not common in cats, that differential diagnosis would have been further down my list. The presence of spindle cells on the original FNA would also lead me to consider fibrosarcoma, but if this mass was further down the leg, and not in a prior vaccination site, then I would also lower that down my list. Since this is not your regular vet, I know you cannot speak on her integrity and such, but no veterinarian I personally know would do purposeful harm to an animal. I don't think there is a right answer; they could have just done a biopsy and not put you on the spot to decide at that instant on such a major surgery, or you could have said you preferred a biopsy only. I know it is hard for clients, because you guys trust us to give you the best suggestion and advice at the moment. It is very hard for us when you ask us what we would do, because for us, we can usually deal with the extreme treatment options, such as amputations. I have a 3 legged cat and he does great, so I cannot say I wouldn't have seen amputation as such as bad outcome. I can tell you, however, that public reaming of a veterinarian is very hurtful and damaging to psyche and career, but again, I understand you are coming from a very hurt and betrayed place in your heart and feeling bad for amputating a leg that did not have to be amputated. I hope you can get some resolution for what happened and I hope the best for your kitty.
ReplyDeleteThank you for reading Charlotte's story and taking the time to write to me. I know that nothing was done maliciously and there was no intent to harm an animal in this case. I can't imagine someone would enter the field of veterinary medicine if they did not love animals. The fact that there was VITAL information not disclosed to me on the original cytology report is the part that is completely inexcusable.
DeleteThankfully, each day Charlotte is learning to get around and relearn all of her old behaviors. It really is inspirational that cats are able to adjust and move on without looking back. Thank you again for reading Charlotte's story and I appreciate your opinion and input.
I am so very sorry for what you and Charlotte have gone through...I was happy to read that she is doing well and getting around better:) I cried reading a lot of your story and can only imagine the frustration you went through and still are going through..I pray you get some answers and justice for their mistakes. Love and best wishes from me and my furkids.
ReplyDeleteJackie, thank you for taking the time to write to me and for your kinds words. It means a lot that people are reading Charlotte's story.
DeleteIt has been extremely difficult, but yes, Charlotte is doing well now. She gets stronger and stronger each day as she re-learns new ways of doing things. It truly is an inspiration. Thank you again for reaching out to me and showing your support. :)
Please add a private contact email on your blog, I have an equally hideous story to share with you.
ReplyDeletehi there....
DeleteSo sorry for your pain and suffering. Charlotte is beautiful.
ReplyDeleteThank you SO much for sharing your story. Charlotte is so brave and beautiful and she deserves to have her story told. I always say that when something this bad happens to you, the only thing you can do is use it to help other people. I have been telling Suki's Story for 13 years on the Internet since her vet killed her 14 years ago. People need to stop blindly trusting their vets - the horror stories I have heard since 1999 keep me up nights. Not all vets are bad, but not all of them love animals either. Some are lazy, incompetent, stupid, and for the worst of them, pure sadists. Don't believe me? Remember when everyone thought priests were perfect, that nannies would never harm a child, and that daycare workers, scout leaders, and coaches loved children - yeah, some of them a little "too" much. The day is coming when people will become much more savvy about vets and stop being taken in by their act. I've never seen such liars in my life, as you found out in your own experience. Suki's killer lied to me, lied to the enforcement committee in Austin, lied under oath in his deposition when he came after me with lawyers, etc. People have NO idea what is going on behind closed doors at veterinary clinics. Thank you for adding your voice to one of the most underreported stories in this country - the prevalence of incompetent, dishonest vets and the state board systems that protect them. My best to you and Charlotte - you are both extraordinary. Never stop telling her story no matter what.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry this happened to Charlotte, I think you should report this abuse to the medical licensing board of NY and sue the vets and the hospital who butchered Charlotte. My prayers are with Charlotte and your family and you.
ReplyDeleteHello Charlotte, Iam so glad you told your stroy. You are helping so many others by sharing the pain you have lived with. I pray that your mom knows its not her fault, she was only trying to do the best thing for her baby. One look in you big green eyes tells it all, your tuff,smart and loving and this will not stop you. Keep up the good work, Keep your head up and all will be ok. My best friends Name is Lynx and I would be so lost without him, so I understand the pain you feel over all this, Iam so very sorry. Please keep telling your story, make them give the money back, it will not give her leg back but it may open someones eyes. but them on watch. But most of all know that we thank you for sharing your pain and helping us to be carefull too. Keep you head up. hugs from Lynx and his Mom Sherri
ReplyDeleteWith all that said...I have already shared this on my facebook page and will continue to do charlotte's are amazing...i would not have been able to handle this as graciously as you have!
I just read Charlotte's story and it legitimately made me cry. I love my cats more than anything in the world. They are my dearest friends. I can't even imagine what it must be like for you and Charlotte to have to go through something like this. It hurts to think about it. The anger and heartbreak I feel for you both is so overwhelming. I found a link to your blog in the "pet" section of the Charlotte, North Carolina craigslist, and I will share it with others myself. Keep telling Charlotte's story, and it will continue to spread. She deserves to have her voice heard. What a brave, strong, beautiful girl. Please give her a big hug for me, and tell her that she's made a new friend in NC. Thank you for being an awesome, loving mom to her. The world could use more people like you in it. And as an earlier commenter said, never, ever stop telling Charlotte's story -- no matter what.
ReplyDeleteThe same exact thing just happened to our kitty Midnight at Foxboro Animal Hospital in Foxboro, MA.
ReplyDeleteThere are no words!!! These poor cats suffered for no reason!!!
Can you not report these clearly negligent vets to a professional organisation? also, why don't you sue them for recovery of your money, and for pain and suffering for your Charlotte? I would do both...